Oh, the times we live. The mayor of Toowoomba – about 125km west of Brissy – has been spotted handing out cards that read “I commit that I won’t view porn and I will help create a city free from porn” at a gathering of more than 200 people at yesterdays ‘A City Free From Porn’ rally.
“We must begin a journey with one step,” Cr Paul Antonia told the ABC. “I think what we’ve focused on today is the real value of proper relationships. Pornography has no place in that.”
via ABC
But the mayor wasn’t talking about any pornography he actually has jurisdiction over.
“We’re not talking about the people who are visiting the brothel or going along to the strip club,” he said.
“We’re talking about the people who are impacted by pornography, and its impact on relationships.”
Antonia stands alongside a ‘group of concerned Toowoomba citizens’ who are advocating the idea that porn has a negative impact on relationships and promotes violence against women.
While the (largely American) porn industry is notoriously flawed (just give Hot Girls Wanted a geez on Netflix) – we’re not sure these kook old folks realise that none of the pre-teen boys they’re trying to crack down on care what they reckon. Or that the porn industry is changing as it becomes less and less taboo. Or that people will always watch porn, like it or not.
Despite this, hundreds of people took an “anti porn” pledge at the event, proving once again that the Pauline-loving Queenslanders are still living in 1700.
Let’s also not forget that anal sex was only legalised for 16-18 year olds this fucking year.
Apparently old mate Antonia is yet to realise that everyone already knows the internet is for porn.