Melbourne radio personality Tom Elliott has joined the cannabis debate, coming out in support of legalisation during his 3AW Drive show this week.
“Quite a number of US states have decriminalised it… I think it’s a good idea,” he said. “At the moment, pretty much no one gets arrested for smoking marijuana. The police have said if you smoke it in the park as part of a protest, that’s part of your freedom of expression … There’s no point having laws against something if they’re not enforced.”
Elliott even brought up the prospect of tax revenue from legal sales of weed.
“The government might as well tax it they way they do with cigarettes,” he said. “Make some money out of it. And then start putting that money into, I dunno, drug rehab facilities.”
That would indeed be a viable option. This week the governor of Colorado – a pioneer of legal recreational cannabis – announced that he wants some weed tax revenue to go towards combatting homelessness.
MORE: Colorado’s bold plan to spend $16m+ in weed taxes on the homeless
Elliott was speaking in response to the Australian Greens’ reversal of their blanket anti-drug stance, announced at the Greens’ national conference over the weekend.
MORE: The Greens officially reverse blanket anti-drug stance
“I think the greens are onto something here,” said Elliott.
Many of Elliott’s social media followers were not so enthused, however.
Some of Elliott’s conservative followers were not impressed
“Tom – pity you did not get the latest research on this drug before you took such a stance … you really need to talk to a few Doctors about the latest proven research on what is does to the brain … for someone with a Science degree, very disappointed,” writes one user.
“Once you legalize drugs young people will think they are OK and will only graduate to harder drugs like millions around the world have found out to their peril and family breakdown etc,” writes another.
One even refers to Elliott’s father, former Liberal party president John Elliott. “Legalisation of drugs is a pathetic cop out!!! Your dad would be hanging his head in shame of such a comment Tom!” they write.
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